GRID Logistics, Inc. (GLI) streamlines containerized goods movement from source to destination using a 3-pronged regional solution. Their ultimate goal is to maximize port productivity and economic output, while reducing air pollution and freeway traffic congestion.
Technology Description:
The Green Rail Intelligent Development (GRID) system is designed to significantly reduce port-related air pollution, alleviate freeway congestion, reduce highway/road maintenance costs, and speed the transportation of containerized cargo from the San Pedro Bay (SPB) port complex to the inland regions of both California and the nation.
To increase economies of scale in the container shipping industry, the formation of shipping alliances and the introduction of efficient ultra-large ocean-going vessels (OGVs) have become the norm. As a result, ports around the globe are preparing their infrastructure for both the massive size of the ships and the volumes of cargo they unload. Currently, no port in the world is capable of efficiently handling these next-generation OGVs. With expansion of the Panama Canal underway, the SPB ports need to improve their competitive position both nationally and internationally. The GRID system provides the means by which SPB can become the most efficient port-of-call in the world, with environmental and business benefits for the entire Los Angeles region.
Currently Seeking:
Strategic/Equity Alliance, Pilot/Demonstration Project
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