MetroTech is a software-analytics company that is focused on the integration of new technologies for the Smarter City. They are deploying video and traffic analytics in major metro areas that provide a new level of traffic information that is broadcasted to the web and accessible by mobile devices. This break-through has significantly reduced the cost of signal timing systems (adaptive traffic controls) and provides the instant broadcast of conditions to travelers allowing them to avoid traffic congestion.
Technology Description:
MetroTech offers the next generation of traffic information in a subscription-based, recurring revenue business model. The secret sauce to collecting soiled, government infrastructure-based data is the IntelliSection™, turning existing cameras into sensor data. In real-time we create a virtual Intersection with lane level accuracy of 95%+. This software solution works with any video camera. Data is fed into the MetroTech Traffic Vision Center (MTN-TVC) which combines data from other sensors such as magnetic loops; wireless vehicle detection; other vendor’s camera data; Bluetooth readings; probe traffic data; and WiFi data. Analytics are used to measure and evaluate traffic flow and vehicle counts; pedestrian and bicycle traffic counts; categorized vehicle sizes; wrong way drivers; and more. The MTN-TVC provides real-time information for humans and exact information for machines.
The ultimate goal of MetroTech Net is to create a data publishing business for real time traffic data (think Waze done from the network infrastructure side instead of the mobile device side). The investment thesis is that there is an opportunity to build upon an existing infrastructure build-out (video traffic management systems) in such a way that the company locks in an enormous amount of valuable data at a low cost (or at a possible profit, see mention of initial business model below) and then is able to monetize this data and some level of analytics in multiple verticals, including transportation, shipping/trucking, transit management, driverless cars, etc.
Currently Seeking:
Direct Sales (Exports), Joint Venture, Direct Investment
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