ResinTech Inc., an acknowledged leader in ion exchange, manufactures a broad range of ion exchange resins for water and waste water treatment, including deionization, softening, metals removal, product purification, resource recovery, and pollution control. In addition to its ion exchange resins, ResinTech supplies activated carbon and inorganic selective exchangers. ResinTech has developed an application technology resource group that includes state-of-the-art laboratories and a group of scientists dedicated to expanding the frontiers of application technology. This group is put to use whenever product or process recommendations are requested, assuring customers get the most cost-effective approach to achieving their process goals.
Technology Description:
ResinTech SBACR is a chloride form type 1 acrylic gel strong base anion resin. SBACR has an aliphatic chemical structure that is elastic and open allows organic ions to move in and out of the resin easily. ResinTech SBACR is intended for use in the chloride form as an organic trap and for use in the hydroxide form for demineralizers that have a high level of organics in the feed water.
Currently Seeking:
Direct Sales (Exports), Joint Venture, Strategic/Equity Alliance
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